యాదృచ్ఛికమా? కీలకమైన అన్ని పదవులలొ సీమాంధ్రులు

Kiran Kumar Reddy - ముఖ్యమంత్రి - సీమాంధ్రుడు----- Nadendla Manohar - అసెంబ్లి స్పీకర్ - సీమాంధ్రుడు-- Deputy speaker -భట్టి విక్రమార్క - ఆంధ్ర తొత్తు చక్రపాని - లెజిస్లేటివ్ కౌన్సిల్ చైర్మన్ - సీమాంధ్రుడు ---- డిప్యూటీ ఛైర్మన్ – విద్యాసాగర్ - తెలంగాణ స్పృహలేని మనిషి ---- Dinesh Reddy - డిరెక్టర్ జనరల్ ఆఫ్ పోలిసు(డిజిపి) - సీమాంధ్రుడు---

22, డిసెంబర్ 2008, సోమవారం

చదువు విలువ

హిందూ లో ఓపెన్ పేజి లో వచ్చిన ఆర్టికల్ ఇది.
Date:21/12/2008 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/thehindu/op/2008/12/21/stories/2008122150011400.htm

Why not strive to reach for the stars?
Education holds the key to Muslims’ development
An interesting question is now doing the rounds of the internet under the caption “The Powerful and the Powerless”. The question is: “Why are the 14 million Jews so powerful and the 1.4 billion Muslims so powerless?”. Dr. Farrukh Saleem answers the question in one word — ‘education’. His answer is supported by hard facts and figures.
Over the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have bagged 15 dozen Nobel Prizes while only three Nobel Prizes have been won by 1.4 billion Muslims (other than Peace Prizes). The “most influential scientist of all time” Albert Einstein and Time Magazine’s “Person of the Century” and father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud were Jews. So was Karl Marx. Madeline Albright, Noam Chomsky and William James Sidis, with an IQ of 250-300, “the brightest human who ever existed,” are some of those of the Jewish faith.
The most beneficient philanthropist in the history of the world is George Soros, a Jew, who has so far donated a colossal 4 billion dollars, most of which has gone as aid to scientists and universities around the world. Second to George Soros is Walter Annemberg, another Jew, who has built a hundred libraries donating an estimated 2 billion dollars. In the media, the famous Jews include Wolf Blitzer (CNN), Barbara Walters (ABC News), Eugene Meyer (Washington Post), Henry Grunwald (editor-in-chief, Time), Katherine Graham (publisher of Washington Post) and Joseph Lelyyeld (ex-editor, New York Times). In sharp contrast, every fifth human being is a Muslim. For every single Hindu, there are two Muslims and for every Jew there are one hundred Muslims. Reasons for the plight
According to UNDP data, literacy in the Christian world stands at 90 per cent and 15 Christian majority States have a literacy rate of 100 per cent. Muslim majority States, as a sharp contrast, have an average literacy rate of 40 per cent and there is no Muslim majority State with literacy rate of 100 per cent. Some 98 per cent of literates in the Christian world had completed primary school, while less than 50 per cent of the literates in the Muslim world did the same. Around 40 per cent of the literates in the Christian world attended university while no more than 2 per cent of the literates in the Muslim world did the same.
Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists for one million Muslims whereas the U.S. has 4,000 scientists per million and the Japanese 5,000 per million. In the entire Arab world, there are 35,000 full-time researchers and 50 technicians per million Arabs whereas in the Christian world there are 10,000 technicians per million. The Muslim world spends a meagre 0.2 per cent of its GDP on Research & Development while the Christian world spends 5 per cent of the GDP on R & D. The conclusion is that the Muslim world lacks the capacity to produce, diffuse and apply knowledge, and the only source of knowledge is research.Research is the key
Allah’s very first command in the Koran is to acquire knowledge and to cultivate the scientific temper. Allah has given all human beings the capacity not only to explore and use material knowledge but also gain spiritual knowledge. The Koran attaches great importance to “reflection as a means of gaining insight.” The constant prayer of every person has, therefore, to be: “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.” (20:114).The scenario in India, which has the largest Muslim minority and the second largest Muslim population in the world, is a replica of the world situation, but the biggest reason for Muslim educational backwardness here, as affirmed by the National Commission for Minorities, is “the gradual dilution and suppression of the rights guaranteed under the Constitution.” The Sachar Committee has also highlighted the sad plight of Muslims.
If the attitude of the majority community, post-Independence has created a “siege mentality” among Muslims, the “crisis of non-implementation” of promises and programmes announced over the years is attributed to an unconcealed “political hypocrisy” of all ruling parties. If the Muslims realise that Islam is not just a pillow to rest upon but a belt to be girdled, so that they are in a better position to strive for excellence in a competitive society, no power on earth can stop them from reaching for the stars! Our own A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and America’s Barrack Hussain Obama have shown the way.
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ఇది ప్రపంచ ముస్లిములకు ఎంత వర్తిస్తుందో , అంతకంటే ఎక్కువ భారతీయులకు వర్తింస్తుంది. మనకు కావాల్సింది ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ లో జలయజ్ఞం కాదు. విద్యాయజ్ఞం. దీనిని కామన్ స్కూల్ విధానంతో మొదలు పెట్టితే బాగుంటుది. అప్పుడే నిజమైన అభివృద్ది చెందినా రాష్ట్రం /దేశం కాగలదు.

5 కామెంట్‌లు:

అజ్ఞాత చెప్పారు...

త్రికరణ శుద్ధిగా మనం కూడ నమ్మి వారిలా ఆచరణలో పెడితే మనం కూడా అలా కాకుండా, వారికంటే మెరుగ్గా ఉండగలం.

Rishi చెప్పారు...
ఈ కామెంట్‌ను రచయిత తీసివేశారు.
Rishi చెప్పారు...

Good Information.

The article in Hindu news paper point to one of the fundamental problem with historical religions.

The problem with historical religions is that they have frozen in the fast. They negate present and future for the sake of proving the past.

Arabs (Muslims) learned from Indians (Hindus) and passed that knowledge to Europeans (Christians) during the middle ages that led to Renaissance in Europe and that helped them to colonize the world.

I see lots of fresh ideas in your posts, keep up the good work. But also address the practicality of the ideas.

Please remove the word verification.

సమతలం చెప్పారు...

Thankyou sir,
I don't get what is "remove the word verification"?
Earlier, they learned from us. O.k.
Now, we are learning from them which is not required for us.Not only required, it is harmful to us.Let us stop it.
Let us create our own systems in every sphere with use of our 110 crore unique thoughts.
Let them learn from us, if required.

ఇస్లాం - కొన్ని నిజాలు చెప్పారు...

i had written about this previously.
u can find the link here